Training your team in fundamental agile development practices.
Driven Development (TDD)
By implementing unit tests, developers are capable of identifying defects (“bugs”) in an early development
phase, while they code, without having to wait for third party (a.k.a. QA department) testing and
verification. By applying TDD, developers gain confidence and are able to develop and modify code without
hesitation, helping bring down development times, improving quality and minimizing defect count.
By applying refactoring techniques, developers are capable of identifying code suffering from
"rotten code" syndrome and eradicating it without compromising normal application functionality, keeping
it in line with original design while maintaining high standards of quality.
* Unit Testing and Test Driven Development in Java Workshop
* Unit Testing and Test Driven Development in C# Workshop
* Unit Testing and Test Driven Development in VB .NET
* Refactoring in Java Workshop
* Refactoring in C# Workshop
* Refactoring in VB .NET Workshop